Sabrina gibb, ma, lcpc
Sabrina Gibb, MA, LCPC, is an EFT therapist working with individuals, couples, and adult families in Bethesda, Maryland. Her private practice, Global Therapy Practice, specializes in providing mental health services to diverse, expatriate and highly mobile populations. Sabrina’s research and clinical interests include the application of EFT to dual-career expatriate couples, the 'trailing' spouse and the perinatal period.
Aimee Ruscio, Phd
Aimee became interested in EFT in graduate school. An Army officer with two tours in Iraq, they were interested in the question of how to help Soldiers heal after the trauma of war. They were immediately drawn to EFT as a trauma treatment due to the combination of palpable safety, deep emotional processing, and honoring of the client’s agency. Aimee works in private practice in Washington DC with both adult individuals and couples. They continue to help people heal after trauma, with a focus on supporting LGBTQIA+ people, especially gender diverse people. Aimee has continued to pursue training and supervision in EFT since 2014. They find that learning EFT has been at times challenging and humbling, but always deeply satisfying, both personally and professionally.